The Final Pappa Don Show – Christmas Day

Several weeks ago I decided to do a radio show honoring WUTT’s 66th year on the air. The radio station at University of Tampa began broadcasting in 1952, on Christmas day (as WUTZ, on the FM band). At the time, WUTZ was the most powerful college radio station in the United States. For whatever reason, that status slipped away in the late 1960’s. WUTZ/WUTT continued as a much diminished AM radio station.

During last semester I had the pleasure of learning about the radio station in COM 250 (Practicum in Broadcast Management). Along the way I also learned about the campus radio club, responsible for maintaining the station outside of the radio class. This feeble band of students are doing a horrible job. Cronyism and favoritism run rampant in this “club” responsible for keeping this radio station alive. That sickens me.

The radio station is a boon to the university, yet the young students in charge of it see only their own boon of being paid for their positions on the radio board, without doing anything to promote, foster or grow the station’s importance in the entire Tampa community. The radio station could be a valued source of revenue for the college, yet the students only see the station as a cow’s teet that delivers free pizza when suckled.

This radio station could be so much more than it is. I intend to do something about that. And those of you who know me, know that when I decide to make a change, I bring the heat. WUTT will rise like a Phoenix.

Please lose a couple of hours with me – Merry Christmas!

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