In this 13th installment of the Pappa Don Show on WUTT (Spartan Radio) I delve into the genre of basic rhythm & blues. This is an expansive genre, often blurring the lines between pop, funk and rock. I recently read an intriguing editorial on Facebook (I wish I could remember who wrote it) about the term “rock and roll” being a white-man’s re-branding of rhythm & blues solely for marketing. I believe that. Elvis’ hit “Hound Dog” was originally penned by Big Momma Thornton in 1952. And it makes much more sense when sung by a woman. My impetus for this show is one of my favorite bands, “Vintage Trouble” – I can’t classify them into any current genre that I know. They are extremely high energy, up-tempo, retro, r&b showmen. AND they fronted the iconic band AC/DC during a recent world tour. The last time I saw AC/DC live (mid ’80’s), Yngwie Malmstein (a heavy metal maestro) opened for them. Vintage Trouble has some chops, but they’d hardly be classified as a heavy metal outfit. High energy? Definitely yes. They’re breaking boundaries. When I saw them at the State Theater in St. Pete the place was a churning throng of gyration. They were the Pied Pipers of whatever it was they were playing. Rock? R&B? Retro Blues? Who knows…I was as entranced as everyone else. This is what I attempt to explore during this 13th Pappa Don radio show on WUTT, Spartan Radio.
Vintage Trouble performs on the David Letterman Show, December, 2012: