Here we go! I was most excited to take this Digital Imaging class – I didn’t really know exactly what it was about because it had a very generic class description when I was selecting classes for my schedule…I took a gamble and it’s going to pay off, I think!
This class will focus on the mechanics of digital photography; not necessarily composition, but how, technically, you capture time and create motion in digital photographs. It’s about understanding those techniques. I do plan on taking some more “art” photography classes. I was somewhat curious about why this was a COM class, but it’s obvious to me now…it’s about communicating through digital images. Sooo exciting!
I know nothing about the fine mechanics of photography. About all I know is “put everything on auto” and keep still while shooting. Why foregrounds and backgrounds were blurry, or not blurry, were all things that I didn’t understand were intentional.
If you told me to create that same effect with Photoshop, I could slap a marquee mask around something, run it through a Gaussian blur filter and BOOM! Done. I had no idea how to achieve that same effect (but cleaner) with a camera…now I’m learning how. So my Shoop skills, combined with my newfound camera skills will take me to places I’ve never been before, and that’s always exciting!
The below slides are five of my FIRST EVER photos taken by keeping an eye on exposure, adjusting shutter speed and f.stop for correct exposure (first) then interesting effect using depth of field…which I’m still learning about. These images have only been modified for size – they were shot raw and saved as .png files. They have not been edited, cropped or color-enhanced. Much more to come I’m sure. Stay tuned!